How To Pay FESCO Bill Online?

Paying your (Faisalabad Electric Supply Company) FESCO bill online is now very easy. You can use phone apps like EasyPaisa, Jazz Cash, JS Banking App or you can use any other banking app. Which allow you to send money online in Pakistan will work too. Some of them are below that how to pay your bill without problems.

How to Pay FESCO Bill Online? from Jazzcash Easypaisa JS Banking App UBL HBL Nayapay

Ways to Pay Your FESCO Bill Online

how to pay FESCO Bill from jassCash app?

You can pay your FESCO bill online using the Jazz Cash app. Here’s what to do:

  1. Get the App: First, download the Jazz Cash app on your phone. You can install JazzCash App from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the App: After you download it, open the Jazz Cash app on your phone.
  3. Sign In or Create an Account: If you already have an Jazz Cash account, sign in. If you don’t have one, follow the steps to make a new account.

Choose ‘Utility Bills’: Once you’re signed in, tap on the button that says ‘Utility Bills’.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online From JazzCash App

Click ‘Electricity’: From the list you see, choose ‘Electricity’.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online From JazzCash App

Choose FESCO: Look for ‘FESCO’ in the list of Service Provider and tap on it.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online From Jazz Cash App

Enter Reference Number: Type in the 14-digit valid reference number they ask for, and tab the “Fetch Bill” button .

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online From Jazz Cash App

Confirm Your Payment: After you put in all the information, Click “Confirm” button & type in your pin code to say it’s okay to pay.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online From Jazz Cash App

Get a Message: Wait for a message from FESCO that tells you if your payment worked.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online From Jazz Cash App

How to pay FESCO bill from EasyPaisa App?

The EasyPaisa app lets you pay your FESCO (Faisalabad Electricity Supply Company) bill online. Follow the below steps properly to pay your fesco bill online:

Log In to EasyPaisa: Open the EasyPaisa app and sign in

At the top of the app, find ‘Bill Payment’ and tap it.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online Through EasyPaisa App

Tap at the ‘Electricity’ option showing at the top left side.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online Through EasyPaisa App

Now select ‘FESCO’ from the company list.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online Through EasyPaisa App

Enter your 14-digit reference number and tap ‘Next’.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online Through EasyPaisa App

Verify your details, amount etc, then click ‘Pay Now’.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online Through EasyPaisa App

FESCO Bill Online Paid successfully, EasyPaisa will send you a message about bill paid.

How To Pay FESCO Bill Online Through EasyPaisa App

Banking Apps

Many commercial and financial banking apps support online payments for utility bills. You can easily pay your FESCO Bill Online through them without facing any issue. Some of the banking apps names are written below:

Allied BankJS Bank
HBL BankUBL Bank
Alfalah BankMeezan Bank
National BankBank Of Punjab
Bank Al HabibMCB Bank
Khushhali Microfinance BankNayapay

How To Pay FESCO Bill from JS Banking App?

If you want to pay your FESCO Bill Online through JS Bank App, then follow the below steps properly to pay your bill with ease.

Open JS Bank App and Select ‘Pay Bills and Fees’ option.

How to Pay FESCO Bill Online from JS Bank App?

Select ‘Electricity’ option from the Pay Bills and Fees list.

How to Pay FESCO Bill Online from JS Bank App?

Choose ‘FESCO’ as a Electricity Company.

How to Pay FESCO Bill Online from JS Bank App?

Now, Enter FESCO Bill 14-digit valid reference number.

How to Pay FESCO Bill Online from JS Bank App?

Check the details and verify that it’s your bill, then tap ‘CONFIRM’ button to pay.

How to Pay FESCO Bill Online from JS Bank App?

Done, you will receive a notification about you have successfully paid your FESCO bill.

How to Pay FESCO Bill Online from JS Bank App?

FESCO Bill Online

If you face any issue while paying your FESCO Bill, feel free to contact us [email protected].


A1: Yes, people can pay their FESCO bills using the mobile application which Mekan Bank, JS Bank, HBL, Allied Bank, UBL, Almarya Bank & others.

A2: Paying bills online is very safe as all the information is encrypted from end to end and therefore, it is very safe to carry out this transaction.

A3: Yes, you can pay your FESCO bill via EasyPaisa and JazzCash that have become quite popular among people for such online bill payment services.

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